Accessible design for users with disabilities gains new ground with wearable technology advancements. Speech-to-text software developed by Google Glass now allows a smartphone user to speak into the phone with the conversation being digitally converted into text and displayed on Glass for disabled users. This advancement in sound technology is just one example of where the future is headed for sound and acoustics.

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is an effort to improve the accessibility of the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) for people with disabilities. People with disabilities may encounter difficulties when using computers generally, but also on the Web. Since people with disabilities often require non-standard devices and browsers, making websites more accessible also benefits a wide range of user agents and devices, including mobile devices, which have limited resources. – Wikipedia

As one member of the Georgia Tech College research group explained, “If hard-of-hearing people understand the speech, the conversation can continue immediately without waiting for the caption. However, if I miss a word, I can glance at the transcription, get the word or two I need and get back into the conversation.”

Glass was already equipped with a microphone, enabling users to speak into the device hands-free. Glass’ responsiveness to voice commands allows for ease in correction if a message is displayed incorrectly. Text is streamed real-time.

This Captioning on Glass is available at MyGlass.

CENSEO is a conscious supporter of WAI, making continual efforts to improve accessibility of sound to people with disabilities. Have a suggestion or just want to talk acoustical engineering ideas? We’d love to chat! Contact us today!


Source: Georgia Institute of Technology. “Software for Google glass that provides captions for hard-of-hearing users.” ScienceDaily, 2 October 2014


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