Art with acoustical purpose! New art is up in the Meadow Shelter thanks to Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park! The Meadow Shelter suffered from poor acoustics, but with the help of our very own Jeanette Hesedahl, the Friends, in partnership with Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, were able to launch a project that would address acoustics issues while supporting local artists. Bethany Fackrell and Austin Picinich, two celebrated local artists from East King County, were selected to create six pieces of art for this space that were then printed onto acoustical panels and installed on the shelter’s walls to help with room acoustics. The artwork represents iconic wildlife that resides in the park, the heritage of Lake Sammamish, and the ability for diverse communities to coexist with each other and with our natural environment. Additional funding support for this project came from the City of Issaquah Arts Commission. Read more at Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park.

acoustical art panels