Do you have a favorite acronym?
KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid engrained in the mind of an engineer is both powerful and dangerous….the acronym today should be ASS, Assimilate Systems that Solve.
Advice worth sharing?
Sustainability is a question best asked and answered by “What should I keep in my bedroom closet?”
What do you enjoy about your career?
Good design means others are pleased…..yet you are pleased as well.
Where do you escape?
When I travel, I always long for where I started.
Thoughts on life?
A face is more than a face. A face is meant to ask more questions that only the heart and soul can answer….
JOE Hagedorn
Staff Engineer
- MS ArchD, School of Architecture,
University of Hawaii - BS Mechanical Engineering,
University of Hawaii - KAILUA
Sound Advice in a World Full of Noise.
CENSEO AV+Acoustics