Thinking Outside the Shoebox :: Concert Hall Acoustics

“Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.” -Plato It is widely recognized that early lateral reflections are significant in producing quality acoustics in a concert hall setting. The widening of the sound image to increase the perceived closeness of sound has been a technique [...]

Thinking Outside the Shoebox :: Concert Hall Acoustics2017-06-15T09:10:47-06:00

Sounds of Battery Life, Unplugged

The simple sound of life all around us might be the key to making “plugging in” a thing of the past. A new energy-harvesting prototype has been found to produce energy, through the use of noise, in amounts great enough to charge mobile phones. Yet another discovery of the ways sound engineering and acoustical [...]

Sounds of Battery Life, Unplugged2017-06-14T15:54:34-06:00

First-Ever Acoustical View of Thunder

A single strike of lightning can contain 1,500 megajoules of energy. That converts to six months’ worth of power for a 100-watt lightbulb. It’s enough shock to be a leading cause of weather-related death in the US.LIGHTNING…The odds of becoming a victim in the U.S. in any one year is 1 in 700,000. The odds [...]

First-Ever Acoustical View of Thunder2017-06-09T14:45:21-06:00

The Invisible Element in Great Design

Invisible to the human eye; profoundly impacting to architectural appeal. What is this invisible presence altering the human experience in design and architecture? Acoustics “Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids including topics such as vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound. The application [...]

The Invisible Element in Great Design2017-03-30T16:42:46-06:00

UH Kennedy Theatre Orchestra Pit Lift

The CENSEO team recently completed an orchestra pit lift project at the University of Hawaii Kennedy Theatre. . Our team of engineers redesigned the pit lift using a new, more efficient system that solved several functionality problems with the existing 50-year-old hydraulic lift. After fully understanding the needs of the UH Kennedy Theatre project [...]

UH Kennedy Theatre Orchestra Pit Lift2017-06-15T09:07:18-06:00

Killer {Whale} Acoustics

Vocal learning has been a subject of research in the fields of acoustics and social science for many years. Over time, findings have proven positive in some types of birds, bats, and cetaceans including whales and dolphins. Research by avian scientists has identified specific neural pathways in the brains of songbirds, allowing for a [...]

Killer {Whale} Acoustics2017-03-30T16:49:00-06:00
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